in an effort to ensure the safety of your child(REN) and our staff we will Promote healthy hygiene practices such as hand washing and wearing of cloth face coverings, as feasible.
we have instituted the following health and safety guidelines based on federal and NYS recommendations:
✓ procedures to check for signs and symptoms in children and STAFF daily, upon
✓ enhanced screening for children and employees who have recently been present in
areas of high transmission, including
temperature checks and symptom monitoring.
✓ Encourage anyone who is sick to stay home.
✓ Plan for if children or STAFF get sick.
✓ Regularly communicate and monitor developments with local authorities, STAFF
MEMBERS and families regarding cases, exposures, and updates to policies and
✓ Monitor child(ren) and staff absences and have a pool of trained substitutes,
and FLexible leave policies and practices.
✓ Be ready to consult with state/local health authorities if there are cases in the
facility, camp or an increase in cases in the locaL area.
We will also be instituting the SPECIFIC protocols within our programs and have trained all staff accordingly:
✓ EncouragING of social distancing through increased spacing, small group and
limited mixing between groups, and staggered scheduling, arrival, and drop oFF, if
✓ Where feasible, adjusting activities and procedures to limit sharing of items such
as belongings, supplies, and equipment.
We will also be Intensifying cleaning, disinfection and ventilation of the facilities.